รูปย่อ auxiliary verb


รูปย่อของกริยา 24 ตัวเข้ากับสรรพนาม
Contraction with Pronoun
am I'm I am
is, has he's he is, he has

she's she is, she has

it's it is, it has

where's where is

what's what is

who's who is

there's there is
are we're we are
was, were ไม่มีการย่อ you're you are

they're they are

there're there are
have I've I have
do, does, did ไม่มีการย่อ you've you have

they've they have

we've we have
had, would I'dI had, I would

you'd you had, you would

they'd they had, they would

we'd we had, we would

he'd he had, he would

she'd she had, she would

it'd it had, it would
will, shall I'll I will, I shall

you'll you will

we'll we will, we shall

it'll it will

รูปย่อของกริยา 24 ตัวเข้ากับ not
Contraction with not

is not isn't
are not aren't
was not wasn't
were not weren't
am not ไม่มีการย่อ
has not hasn't
have not haven't
had not hadn't
do not don't
does not doesn't
did not didn't
will not won't
would not wouldn't
shall not shan't
should not shouldn't
can not can't
could not couldn't
may not mayn't
might not mightn't
must not mustn't
need not needn't
dare not daren't
ought not oughtn't
used not usedn't

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